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    Yo Mamma Is So Urgly...
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    even a blind man wouldn't have sex with her.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    her dentist treats her by mail-order.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    her pillow cries at night.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    even the elephant man paid to see her.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    her shadow quit.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    her face is closed on weekends!
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    Greenpeace mistook her for an endangered elephant.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    even the tide won't come back in.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    even Bill Clinton wouldn't sleep with her.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    it looks like she's been bobbing for French fries.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    people go as her for Halloween.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    roaches go "Hi mom!"
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she could be the poster child for birth control!
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she can't even bare the thought of fucking herself.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    Rice Krispies won't talk to her.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she can look up a camel's butt and scare the hump off of it.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    people hang her picture in their cars so their radios don't get stolen.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    just after she was born, her mama said "What a treasure!" and her father said "Yes, let's go bury it."
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    it makes me wish birth control is retroactive.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she didn't get hit with the ugly stick, she got hit with the ugly log.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she gives Freddy Kreuger nightmares.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she could scare the flies off a shit wagon.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she has a sign in her yard that says "Beware of Dog."
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she could scare the moss off a rock!
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she has 7 years bad luck just trying to look at herself in the mirror.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she could only be Yo mamma.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she got a sex change and the surgeon had to flip a coin.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.
    Yo Mamma is so ugly,
    she could scare the chrome off a bumper!


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