Sex Jokes
  • Vengence Is Mine!
  • Construction Site Sign Language
  • A Distinct Lack Of Imagination
  • The Mailman's Retirement
  • Admiring Our Own Work
  • Take Your Choice
  • Blonde Jokes
  • Pulled Over For Speeding
  • The Young Ventriloquist
  • Keeping Fit
  • The Great Blonde Kidnapping
  • Swimming The English Channel
  • The Telegram Message
  • Yo Mamma
  • Yo Mamma Is So Fat...
  • Yo Mamma Is So Ugly...
  • Yo Mamma's So Poor...
  • Yo Mamma's So Nasty...
  • Yo Mamma Is So Stupid...
  • Yo Mamma's So Skinny...
  • Men Jokes
  • Tell Tale Signs Of A Single Man
  • Blaming The Dog
  • When All This Started
  • What's The Difference...
  • Come Judegement Day
  • How Many Men...

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